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West Coast Racing Stables

West Coast Racing Stables

Racing Stallions & Colts

Racing Mares & Fillies

Breeding Stock

Young Stock

Suituated in beautiful Western Australia ,breeding and racing top racehorses.

♥ About The Farm♥

West Coast Racing Stables is an elite racing establishment Aussie born and bred. It's found in WA in Australia and deals with mostly Australian and New Zealand bred horses. International horses are welcomed to the barn aswell. The stables are inspired by triple Melbourne Cup winner Makybe Diva and we strive for all our horses to show the same grit and endurance.

All of our horses here are carefully bred using proven bloodlines. They are raised very naturally and patiently allowing each horses talents to arise to their full potential.
Our focus is middle to long distance flat racers, but we also have several sprinters and steeplechasers.
Each horse has its own individual personality and we enjoy every day with them finding out what they can accomplish.

West Coast Racing stables is a beautiful, fresh light-hearted place to be, each day being dealt with with the Aussie sense of humour and laid back style

Our racing colours :Light blue and yellow checkered:


Nothing at the moment

~~~ All part of a sim game called DREAM and is all fake and made up.No harm or offence is intenede at all anywhere, if anything bothers any1, email me : and it'll be taken care of.~~~